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Below are the inside panels to our digipak.

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Saturday, 4 March 2017

Construction Post 24: Reflections on Edit Week 1

We split the two weeks we had for editing into edit week 1 and edit week 2. Edit week 1 was for getting a rough version of the video produced.

Edit week 1 was very successful. We had many more shots than other groups due to the complexity of our cuts so we had many shots and different takes of shots to rename but after we got through that fairly laborious task, we were able to work very efficiently.

Here Jack and I are editing the sequence and trying to put it into the rough order.

On the Friday of Edit week 1, we had to have a rough cut ready, from this rough cut we were able to see if a back up shoot would be needed but due to our pro-activity when shooting and the large variation of shots that we had it meant that we did not need a back up shoot.

Overall the basic edit we created helped us move forward easily into the more technically challenging aspects of the edit. If we had not split up the edit into two weeks I feel we would have jumbled ourselves as we might have gone onto more technical tasks without knowing exactly how our video would flow and this would have wasted even more time.

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