We decided as a group to do a test shoot so we had the time to work out any issues and things we would need to change for the main shoot. It was a chance for us to refresh our production skills, learn new ones and also to test the practicality of our choices.
To start we created a shootboard, this was so we could plan out how our day would go and we could easily see who and what we needed in each shot. In the shootboard we used a picture of the post-it notes that we used for our storyboard this meant that we always had a visual representaion of the shot and we knew what the set up would be.
The shootboard also kept us on time as we accurately planned how long each shot would take so we knew when we were taking too long on a shot or we were going quickly. It also allowed for us to easily know who was on the crew roles for that shot.
As I mentioned the shootboard allowed us to see the set ups of each shot. In the test shoot, we didn't organise the shots based on setups so we had some shots, that were meant to appear a sequence, look out of place. Like this:
We were also able to learn that some of our ideas, although great in theory, we're not possible to produce like the arc when Tyrone and Simon switch. We had to adapt this, it was meant to be a circular arc around the characters rather than the camera moving left and right.
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