Below is our Music Video:

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Below are the outside panels to our digipak.

Below are the outside panels to our digipak.

Below are the inside panels to our digipak.

Below are the inside panels to our digipak.

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Thursday, 21 December 2017

Construction Post 4: Music Video Post-production

What we had to do:

Edit the video using Adobe Premiere Pro.

The menu we used
I have experience using Premiere Pro from previous years of media so I felt that I was at ease using the software and trying to create something professional looking. We used multi track editing to easily edit various parts of the video. We found the software very useful as we using a workspace setting that made it easy to accesses our rushes and to pick the video we wanted to edit into our music video. The procamp tool and other colour correction were very useful in allowing us to grade the video and achieve a very professional finish to our edited video, it also allowed us to create the aesthetic that usually acompaines this style of music video.

My contribution to the edit

  • I placed a lot of the clips and tried to gauge the general feel of the video.
  • I was able to go over some of the edits the other members of my groups made and tighten cuts and improve the overall feel.
  • I graded some of the video.
  • I added some effects such as the montage at the end and some of the 'ghosting' shots.
Here is an example of some of the shots that were graded. Before and after
A challenge we faced was our video being too repetitive at times. We showed an early cut of our video to our target audience and were told it was good but repetitive and this in turn drew away from some of the postive factors of the video but we overcame this by replacing shots and trying to change the pace of the video as it progressed.

Here I am editing the video
Reflection on Audience Feedback

Overall, we received extremely positive feedback. The fan favourites included the peach coloured handheld shots and the siren beauty shots. I'm pleased with these as I worked the camera in both of these shots and set the colour for the background. People didn't have many criticisms but some thought that maybe the DJ should have been limited to just the studio shots as they felt it looked slightly awkward in the shots on location. This did not come as a surprise as we had already decided to cut some shots as they looked unnatural or forced.

We also recieved feedback from our teachers who felt that some of our extras looked unnatural and awkward, this in turn would detract from the rest of the video. We managed to remedy this by getting rid of the footage that seemed far too unnatural, we recorded the song the whole way from from all the different camera angles and setups that we had so we had a plethora of footage to replace this with.

Here is the finished product:

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